Friday, July 27, 2012

etsy shop's back up & running! :)

So i've finally gotten things off the ground again with my etsy shop! ...still needs plenty of work, but at least i've got some of my products for sale now!! I've got so many plans for new things to make and i'm actually quite keen to get back into the fimo moulding, for a little while at least. Here is a pic i found of a super cute earring that reminds me of The Little Shop of Horrors (some fimo inspiration!)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

NZ Bird Bonanza!

My series of native NZ bird stud earrings can now be purchased at the shop in Wellington's City Gallery (!! I am busy at the moment making another couple of sets to take to a few shops in Auckland to get them stocked somewhere up here as well. The series consists of six different native New Zealand birds: the Tui, Pukeko, Kereru, Fantail, Little Blue Penguin, and of course, the Kiwi!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Vanilla-Cloves Lip balm... mmm mm!

My latest passion is home-made body products. I love buying beautifull smelling products that make my skin feel amazing - but i am a student and unfortunately these kind of things can add up to be quite expensive! So after day-dreaming about it for ages i finally got around to finding and trying out a few recipes. The cocoa face-mask I tried has probably been my favourite so far :p
I also love the warm, homely smell of a lip balm i made, which i flavoured with vanilla essence and ground cloves. (pictured)